Hi crowds and fans!
So since nobody noticed this, it is not and will not be included in the art portal by 2023. "But why aren't ya gonna do it? C'mon I wanna see your work now." dude to be fair, this is NOT finalized until this is complete or description is done.
I know and I understand how the very heartbreaking moment it is right now still, just you wait until the 2023!
before I do something VERY important (with my work), on January, @jokawithalowercasej (my cool sick artist/bud) is goin' to have their birtday celebrated (next new year)! "HUSHUSHSHUSHSH"
Don't tell her about it-
Just keep that gift (for her) as a secret!
(you should wait by the day joka's birthday strikes!!)
Oh and... one more this time
Support the artist! (@jokawithalowercasej) by giving and showing her appreciation and love from you! We don't want to end up being a sole loner or uhh..... sumthin?? (whatever but anyways)